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Wednesday, February 09, 2005 


Now the whackos are falsely accusing the left of being anti-gay over their exposure of the fact that "Jeff Gannon" may be gay (or even involved in prostitution), just as they called them racists for opposing Rice for Secretary of State and Gonzalez for AG. Of course, they realize the real point of exposing his homosexuality, they just choose to be dishonest. Let me just try to articulate for my own good why hypocricy matters, and conservatives lie like crazy to justify their hypocricies. Progressives realize that people are imperfect and, more importantly, it is impossible to expect perfection from anyone. Conservatives tend to hold out the "ideal" as what we need to strive for. Too often their ideal is impossible, or not even preferable. Hypocricy doesn't matter as much to Progressives because we know this already, and our policies and words match that. That is why we believe in a broad safety net and inclusive racial, sexual and gender policies. An understanding that hypocricy/imperfection/diversity is inherent in human nature is the bedrock of being a caring person. I think I speak for all Progressives when I say, "I don't care if 'Jeff Gannon' is gay, and I'll stop making an issue of conservative hypocricy when they stop demonizing the behavior that so many of them are routinely cought doing." They will be justified in saying that they don't care that "Gannon" is gay and that the only people who are making an issue of it are the Lefties, if the Lefties are still making an issue out of this when conservatives support policies that don't discriminate against gay people, and "Gannon" repudiates his anti-gay words. Won't happen.