Call me paranoid, but ...
This "Gannon" scandal seems just a little too easy. By that I mean, does it sound crazy that this obviously confused and devious man was merely a patsy? Here's one scenario. The guys in the smoke-filled rooms who are cozy with the White House, if not IN the White House, fenagled to get him day passes to the briefing room, but denied him a permanent pass, which most of the other reporters have (plausible deniability, and/or can probably be blamed on some low-level staffer or, if they're ready for him to go, Scott McLellan, the press secretary). Make sure the patsy is someone desperate to belong, like one of the many self-hating closet cases that infest the right's media and policy machine (e.g. David Brock in his former life). Then send the message to the right wing bloggers/media to distance the "centrist" conservatives from the issue, and conveniently paint progressives as anti-gay (this hasn't started in force yet, probably because they're too busy fitting over Eason Jordan and Ward Churchill). All to make it appear that "Gannon" was just some nut (and use the machine to keep repeating this so that the connections the progressives make between GOPUSA/Talon and the White House will be ignored by a complacent nation of Fox watchers). The ultimate goal? Taking the alleged MSM's focus off of what ever issue it on the table when the scandal hits (I have a feeling they just got ridiculously lucky that it happened during the Social Security debate, although I'm sure their aim was to hide the awful war effort, but looks like they got their cake and are stuffing their faces with it). My lord.