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Monday, December 19, 2005 

Mark My Words

The fact that the president authorized illegal and unconstitutional wiretaps will be either his downfall or the downfall of the Constitition. Seems like every time a constitutional crisis happens (Watergate, Internment, etc...), the guilty party/parties are eventually shamed into doing what is right. This time I'm not so sure that will happen. The right has such a hold on the media and their half of the "intellectual" sphere, I think they will continue to do what has been working for them. That is, not admitting guilt or fault on any level. This is what scares me. The only reason the other crises ended was that one branch eventually gave up. Nixon resigned; Bush would have insisted to the (country crippling) end that his branch is sovereign. Korematsu was overturned and Reagan signed an act passed by Congress admitting fault and paying reparations to the internees; Bush would have acted like Michelle Malkin. The bad guys never actually think they are wrong. They just eventually see that what they did was illegal and against a huge amount of public sentiment. If they control the emotions of the public and their lawyers define away criminality when the crime is commited by the President, there is no reason they can't hang on forever. Also, this is funny.