Holy crap
I feel like I'm in an alternate universe. I tend to watch Fox News quite often, probably more than CNN or MSNBC, because I have a masochistic streak within me. I'm used to the evil. However, I was not prepared for what I saw tonight. I guess Fox's obsession with propping up all thing conservative and tearing down the mainstream media in the present day wasn't enough because the fools are now going back in time to do the same with the Nixon administration and the Washington Post's coverage of Watergate. The panel of frauds, in laughing unison, attacked Woodward and Bernstein in a discussion of Deep Throat, and accused them of making up Deep Throat, and claimed that he wasn't one person, but a composite of sources. I've heard this theory, as have you I'm sure, but these people didn't cite any evidence to prove their point. Why attack the credibility of W & B on a hunch? Because Fox, in its never-ending crusade to label all non-Fox media as "liberal", is now being retroactively "Fair and Balanced" (don't sue me Roger Ailes). To quote the Sports Guy, "I just threw up in my mouth."