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Wednesday, January 04, 2006 


I have always wondered what people meant when they said they were libertarians, because when I ask them what that means they usually don't have any idea. Of course they are conservatives who feel like it gives them some credibility to pose as being above the two-party system. They aren't. They vote for Bush. And they don't seem to have a problem with unchecked executive powers. This writer says it better, obviously talking about the illegal wiretaps:
Now answer the following question: do you find all of the above perfectly okay, and, in fact, an obviously necessary part of the Globah Struggle Against Angry Foreigners? As a follow-up, are you perfectly comfortable with all of the above happening in direct violation of the law, and in complete secrecy? If you answered “yes” to either of the questions above, congratulations! You’re not a libertarian. Time to find something else to call yourself (Totalitarian? Dominionist? Kaye Grogan?)! You might even be ready for one of our other seminars, like “Eat Yourself Thin: Small Government Edition,” “9-11 Changed Everything But My Diaper,” or our special 30 day intensive course, “Ignorance By Example.” If you answered “that could never happen to me! I’m white! Baby Jesus! Baby Jesus!”, you might qualify for one of our advanced courses, such as “40′ Electrically Charged Spiked Border Fences That Shoot Lasers At Brown People: Better Than Sex?” or “White Men Unite: Take Back the Night.” If you answered “no” to any of the questions above, STOP FUCKING VOTING REPUBLICAN, DUMMY.