McCain - Still dead to me, but with a slight redemption
Senator Fuzzy Feelings sank deeper into the morass of being dead to me by agreeing to give the commencement address at Jerry Falwell's college, Liberty University, which is the most fundyest of fundy schools.
But he slightly redeemed himself by admitting that he is "going into crazy base world". His expert ability to pander to everyone from Jon Stewart to Jerry Falwell probably shouldn't earn him any points, but he set the bar so low with his pro-torture actions and fake lobbying reform pose, how can he go wrong at this point. Officially, still dead to me, though only in the 6th ring now.
And I think Stephen Colbert got the hint because he hasn't done a "dead to me" bit since I called him out.
Is that a picture of you? Damn, you're fine.
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Anonymous |
2:56 PM