The Of Vinci Code
I have no desire to see this movie, but PZ over at Pharyngula has a decent post on the topic and the hype. I read (listened to) the book, and wasn't impressed. On top of that, no scholars of the era or of Leonardo support any of the book's conclusions (What's more likely: that the feminine looking person sitting to Christ's right in "The Last Supper" is Joseph, who was a teenager and would have been portrayed femininely as was the custom to portray young men in Leonardo's time, or that Leonardo only painted 11 of the 12 disciples and decided to throw in Mary Magdalene for shits and giggles as a piece in some strange historical puzzle?). Finally, it seems pretty clear that the Priory of Zion, the alleged secret society charged with protecting the secret of Christ's living bloodline, the society of which Leonardo was or was not a member, seems to be a complete hoax.
As usual, I wish I had written this, but PZ did:
The Catholic church has no grounds for complaining about a badly written, ridiculously improbable, mass-market driven work of popular fiction unless it's because they see it as in competition with their similarly atrocious foundation document.
Now to piss some people off: How can there be descendantss of a man who never existed?
you should right about parrots.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:57 PM