As depressing as it is immerse myself daily in reading about the ugly sides of political thought, and ideas in general, that cop really made my day.“My love of country is questioned here 10 times a day. I ignore it because it comes from people who don’t know any better.”
Pedro,No one here has any doubt that you have a love for “America”. We just have a different definition of America. To me it’s the principles on which it was ostensibly founded, but have never been honored. To me it is American to strive for these principles. Some, you, view it as a team, and the fact that you happen to be here at the moment, or were lucky enough to have been born here, means that you must defend your team at all costs, even when your leaders are undermining those principles which real Americans strive to uphold.
I had a talk with a cop today (I work in law enforcement) who said that he would have personally arrested Volpe and his cohorts if he was working the night he brutalized Abner Louima. That is a real cop. The fake cops are the ones who covered for him and lied and watched while an innocent human being was almost killed.
The Republicans are shoving a broken broomstick up the ass of America and you feel that it’s more important to maintain that red, white and blue wall of silence.
All this political talk is great, but you now what we want to hear about? Your hot girlfriend.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:11 PM
She does deserve it.
Posted by
9:01 AM