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Thursday, May 11, 2006 


I posted this comment on another blog in response to a comment up the thread by someone who claimed that there is no Bush fatigue:

“Bush fatigue. It ain’t gonna happen.”

That really is priceless.I guess an extremely low approval rating is proof of lack of fatigue, just as the majority of Americans who oppose warrantless wiretapping shows support for the NSA program, or the vast majority of Iraqis who want us out is proof that, as Dick Cheney said, “with respect to the question of were we greeted as liberators, I think we clearly are viewed as liberators by the vast majority of the Iraqi people.”

One more point, how is that not a lie? He knows for a fact that it is not “clear” at all, and that every poll conducted has shown huge majorities want us out. To claim something is “clear” is a lie when you know it’s not. How do you cons defend that? It’s time you own up and admit, as I got one of my con friends to do, that you feel there are greater goals which justify lying to the people. Then think of the company you are intellectually keeping by reaching that conclusion.

Just admit it, my friend seemed relieved after he did. It seemed a weight was off his chest now that he no longer had to throw out the patently false BS talking points regarding the NSA scandal, the lies to gather public support for the runup to the war, Social Security, etc… He no longer felt the need to say that no one lied in the runup, then pretend that I didn’t just show him a blatant example of said lying to maintain the shroud of false consistency. Now he just says that of course they lied, they had to, they wouldn’t have gotten the support otherwise. This is a great guy and great friend. Shows how cultish the idea power can make people.

Happy holiday to a real patriot!

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