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Sunday, July 09, 2006 


Here are the bookend paragraphs of a recent post on the blog for a pleasant little organization called "Stop the ACLU":

A recent appellate court ruling has decided that it is illegal for companies to pay Hollywood for movies and then sanitize them of gratuitous nudity, over-the-top profanity, and puerile violence. For years, Hollywood has found ways to insert into otherwise coherent storylines scenes of nudity, sex, profanity, and violence.


With the incredible success of films like The Passion of Christ, Lord of the Rings, and other family-friendly films one would think that the movie industry would see that there is an untapped market to be exploited. (Emphasis mine.)

Don't those two movies contain pretty much non-stop violence? Well, I went to CleanFlicks.com, apparently the most well-known of these companies, to check out a few things and you'll never guess which two movies (as well as The Chronicles of Narnia) are having their family-friendly content edited out.
So I checked out their editing standards:

We edit out:

Profanity This includes the B-words, H-word when not referring to the place, D-word, S- word, F-word, etc. It also includes references to deity (G-word and JC-words etc.), only when these words are used in a non-religious context.

Graphic Violence This does not mean all violence, only the graphic depictions of decapitation, impalements, dismemberment, excessive blood, gore etc.

Nudity This refers to male and female front and back nudity.

Sexual Content This includes language which refers to sexual activity or has sexual connotation. It also includes visual content of a graphic or stimulating nature. (Emphasis mine.)

I would love to see the remaining 17 minutes of these films. But of course, the violence per se is not the point for them because fundies actually don't hate violence, and I'm sure the vast majority of the violent scenes are not edited out of these Christian themed movies. One more important fact is that these are "Utahan" companies. Violence for the Lord is just as acceptable to them as lying for the Lord.