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This will be a regular feature at the Tilter.
Why should we abhor this man? Because he's just Bill O'Reilly in hipster glasses.
In Worst Persons tonight he called the odious Darrell Issa "monstrous", without a heart, a "cur", and "not human". A "cur" is a dog, by the way. I looked it up.
Please tell me the difference between this and the eliminationist rhetoric from the likes of Michael Savage. ("If you take to the streets with the vermin who are trying to dictate to us how we should run America, even though they're not even entitled to vote or be here, you're going to be thrown out of office.")
Obvious civics lesson in three, two, one ... Conservatives are by nature enemy-creators because to be conservative is to seek to maintain the status quo (circa 1954). The first step to keeping what "belongs" to "us" is to define who "us" is. And by defining "us" they also define who's "not us". The simplest way (always the most agreeable to the primordial portions of conservatives' brains) to solidify this divide is to draw the line in that place between human and non-human. That is the conservative instinct.
Liberals are inclusive; we at least claim to believe that we are all the same. Keith crossed the line into parochial, shallow reasoning long ago but tonight was his most grotesque display. This is what O'Reilly does. How can liberals ever claim the upper hand if our biggest media friendly is nothing more than Sean Hannity without the Catholic angst and fear of brown people. The most damaging thing about this is that since he's the only option out there liberal big shots, from bloggers (except Somerby, of course) to succubi politicians who opportunistically attach themselves to the side of this bloated, bottom-feeder when it's "media-ly" necessary (Kerry, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama).
One of the biggest shames is that seemingly honest people with personal causes like Paul Reickhoff, Donna Edwards and Cindy Sheehan are already too deeply into this mess because there's no other option. Give Rachel Maddow a fucking show for shit's sake. This couldn't be more frustrating.
You're ruining everything Keith Olbermann.
The Tilter is back!
Posted by
Chefesq |
8:26 PM