The Rudeness of Gay Marriage
Over at The Rude Pundit, a guest poster has given one of the most succinct and entertaining defenses of legally recognized same-sex marriage I've ever read. Here's a sample but reading the whole thing is necessary if you want to get the whole "rude" experience:
I am not a Christian or Jew or Muslim. While I occasionally have a conception of a Higher Power that I choose to call god -- simply because it's a lot fucking shorter than "Spirit of the Universe" or even "Higher Power" -- I practice no religion. Further, I do not hold any part of the Bible or the Koran to be the word of god.
One of the basic fucking tenets of the separation of Church and State is that at no time should the government of the United States of America be countenanced as a theocracy. Our laws, while oftentimes influenced by religious beliefs, are not dictated by the Bible (Old or New testament) or any religious text.
The definition of marriage in a religious context is not the definition of marriage in a legal context -- period. I cite the words of the civil marriage ceremony: "By the power vested in me by the (Commonwealth of Massachusetts)..." NOT: "By the power vested in me by God..."
Separation of Church and State, while difficult to maintain at times, is crucial to the continuing evolution of a nation. As a person who does not recognize the validity of the Bible or any other religious text as being the word of god, I DEMAND that the government I support with my taxes and by whose laws I abide leave the religious beliefs of its members out of the equation when making those laws. I do not demand equality or even consideration from any religion; I consider myself and every other person not affiliated with a religion to be outside the sphere of those religions. (Emphasis mine.)
I am not sure if you have seen the documentary "Jesus Camp" or not, but I will say that in all seriousness I find the separation of powers, or apparent lack thereof fascinating.
I would highly recommend checking out the film it is very interesting as is this exerpt.
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:11 PM
I've seen it and I agree with you that it's quite good. To these people there is not such thing as the separation b/w church and state. The concept is just alien to them and they will torture logic and ignore facts to justify this worldview. Just think, how blind do you have to be to claim that the Bill of Rights is based on the 10 Commandments?
Here are some other docs you might be interested in if you haven't seen them already: Soldiers in the Army of God, Red State, The Root of All Evil?, The God Who Wasn't There, A Brief History of Disbelief. Dawkins also has a new doc airing on BBC4 this month called The Enemies of Reason. There are more that I'm just not remembering now. You can watch most of these at and you can download torrents of these and many other good docs at
Posted by
2:40 PM