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Just saw the highlight of Brewers fans chanting "Let's go, C.C.!" as the big man took the mound in his first start as a Brewer.
Those fans are in the heaven zone.
That's when it's the first time in a long time (or ever) where you're inspired by your team and you LOVE those players and you feel it when they lose and it's innocent, not encumbered by perpetual suspicion (Sox) or crusted with the arrogance of perpetual winning (Yanks).
Most teams' fans have this anytime their team makes an unexpected playoff run. Sox fans were only able to have this (in my life as a fan) in '86, '88 and after Johnny Damon's grand slam finally clinched the 2004 ALCS.
Yankees fans may never have had this.
The thing is, Sox fans have now lost this even with the continued winning. We lost this some time in the last two years. The fans are as passionate and present as ever but the result now is an unpracticed over-confidence that just comes across as belligerence. We're never happy and we take a loss or a bad decision or play as an actionable injury to our person. We can't have the heaven again until the Sox lose for an extended period of years.
... but ...
Yanks fans can have this as soon as THIS YEAR. They aren't the best team, they are VERY mediocre and the fans act like they've actually lost hope. Because of the Yanks annoying history of always winning, the stasis of unrequited playoff appearances, most of them exhaustingly average, makes them feel like Pirates fans. A team of broken players past their prime playing with passion led by a sensational and dominant everyman (Joba) would ignite Yankee fans and probably the city. It should. If it doesn't, then maybe I don't know Yankees fans as well as I thought I did.
I take it that the photo attached to this entry indicates your admission that the Red Sox are in fact all green 'roided out former scientists with bowlcuts. I applaud your honesty. This is the sound of my butt clapping ala Mr. Boombastik.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:50 AM
The hulk is one of my other obsessions besides those two time recent roid freak world champs, the sox. My honesty compels me to admit that the closest thing to the hulk in baseball is the way Papelbon freaks out after clinching a save. Pap smash!
Posted by
12:18 PM
'Pap smash' sounds like an awfully painful form of a standard gynocological procedure. Just sayin.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:12 AM