Brian Williams, one of the few non-Fox mainstream talking heads (the only other one I can think of right now is Bob Scheiffer) whom conservatives will accept even a little bit, admits that the press has been soft on Bush.
To sane people, this is further proof that the media has a Republican bias and treats mainstream liberals as commies and far right racists as "men of the people".
To nuts, this is further proof that the liberal conspiracy is one step closer to its goal of shutting down any opposing conservative voice.
The fact that they would consider Brian Williams conservative-friendly is a testament to the vapidity of their views. He has never been political but was critical of Kerry during the campaign. How criticising a terribly run campaign is "conservative" is beyond me. Sounds like good reporting. He criticised Bush, too. Besides that, the only thing that they can come up with is that fact that he's a NASCAR fan. So we have a reporter who likes cars. The left really has a monopoly on brains nowadays.