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CNN chyron this afternoon: "Obama's Small But Steady Lead".
The sub-chyron (I guess you'd call it) read, "CNN Poll of Polls: Up by 9-Points". Seems to me that one or the other can be correct, but no both. Seems to me that 9 points in late October is not only not "small" but almost insurmountable. But, seems to me, of course I could be wrong so I waited to see what Wolf Blitzer had to say. Sure as shit, his intro to the report included this: "Nine points! That's the highest it's been since we've been doing these 'Poll of Polls'."
Obama 51, McCain 42, Unsure 7. The fact that Obama is polling at a majority is even more damning because even if all the undecideds eventually went for McCain he still could not win. Now I know this isn't set in stone, but I'm not making any claims as to the accuracy of the poll itself, only the Chyron.
I guess if I ever date a CNN producer, I should tell her I'm "small but steady".
Vintage CNN. All balance, all the time.