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Even Chris Matthews has lost it.
And it's only the second day of the convention. And his hair looks like it's been "tussled" by a creepy older gentleman who looking to sleep with his mother.
He defended himself against a perceived slight by Keith by sputtering something that didn't even make sense when Keith wasn't even (for once) picking on him. I'm sure this is because he's so frustrated over the baldly inappropriate cheerleading and the resulting loss of credibility and not just a grown man acting like a child who wants to hit back but doesn't know how without seeming foolish. At least the rest of us can be pissed because of that loss of credibility stuff.
The lack of morale is palpable among others on the team. Tom Brokaw must be wondering why he hung on this long. Judy Woodruff is looking even frownier (if that's possible these days). Eugene is unable to muster his usual level of guffawing during his conventional wisdom spews. Rachel is angrier than I've ever seen her and she's unashamedly taking it out on Pat (Though it could rightly be due to merely having to sit next to him, but he seems to have embraced his mascot roll of cranky white dude with humor and aplomb, though he really had no choice other than to get angrier, which he's tried and failed at too many times already and he probably sees his only chance for good notices in this debacle is playing the unserious goofball and he's taking it. Which is actually a little refreshing, and sad at the same time for what it exposes, that Pat F-ing Buchanan is the most likeable person on the screen).
I usually hate Matthews even more than Olbermann but I cannot blame him for standing up this freak on a power trip.
Maybe the saddest thing is that Matthews is certainly going to be the one to go. His show's been hanging on by a thread for a while now (terrible ratings) and now this. He's the Hilary of MSNBC. He irrationally feels that his "turn" has been usurped by a snot-nosed punk. Who gives a crap any more about these fools.
Isn't it clear by now? The liberals finally (kind of) get a network and Keith Goddamn Olbermann, you're ruining everything.