I happen to work in law enforcement, so I'm not regularly surrounded by very politically progressive people. Talking about torture as a state policy with them is just maddening. It's one thing to have an intellectual position on the benefits of torture, e.g.
Alan Dershowitz, (although from what I've read, the benefits are
VASTLY outweighed by the
negatives, and likely only
hypothetical). But if you think it's ok because because you heard Limbaugh or Hannity or (even worse) Savage say it, without trying to learn about it, well, how aren't you a bad person? Am I supposed to overlook the evil in this position because this person is a good family man, or friendly to me at work? As Chris Rock said, what do you want? A cookie? You're
supposed to be a good family man and be friendly to people, so no, someone who chooses to think torturing sentient beings is a good thing to do, without really thinking about it or its implications is a less good person than one who is disgusted by torture. That way of thinking SHOULD make a progressive person recoil in disgust.